The more, the better!
A DockingStation with a variety ofconnections is a real added valuefor a notebook that, after using thecharging port, may only have onemore port left for further applications.With the IB-DK2252AC you can, forexample, connect a mouse, a full-sizekeyboard, you can connect oneor more larger external displays, connectexternal hard drives or a printervia USB ports and also enjoy stableinternet via the Ethernet port.
With one foot firmly on the ground
ICY BOX has a wide variety of dockdesigns in its portfolio: flat, horizontallylying models, those that are placedunder a notebook in a wedgeshape for ergonomic working or thosethat are equipped with a stand likethis IB-DK2252AC. The stand givesthe device a secure hold – even whenplugging in and unplugging cables -and in this case enables the uprightDockingStation to have effectivecooling qualities!
Convective heat dissipation
This DockingStation model is designedfor vertical positioning withthe help of a stand. Both enclosuresurfaces have ventilation slots thatallow convective heat dissipationduring operation: The heat generatedduring operation is dissipatedat the top, while cooler air is drawnin from below through the vents andcools the enclosure, and as a resultthe heated air escapes again throughthe top vents.